Week 12, Digital Media

Spina, C. (2014). Finding, evaluating, and sharing new technology. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 53(3), 217-220. Retrieved from http://queens.ezproxy.cuny.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.queens.ezproxy.cuny.edu:2048/docview/1515296971?accountid=13379

This article recommends ways to approach the process of keeping abreast of new technology. Then, the author outlines criteria for evaluating new technologies. The evaluation criteria are meant to help manage the onslaught of apps and digital media that librarians need to sift through.

The author provides blogs and groups that will share new content and digital media. Though using technology to find technology works, I also liked the fact that the author encouraged reaching out to humans that belong to librarian groups — “Don’t be shy about actually striking up conversations with these people either. I have found that most are happy to discuss their own strategies or the tools they like the best.” (Spina, 2014).

Unlike most of our readings this week, this article is not for reviewing apps or recommending screentime use and management. This article is geared towards librarians and intended to help with evaluation and selection of apps and technology.

I decided to condense the information of this article into an evaluation tool:

PRICE Priority goes to free apps. Pricey apps with free trials. Pricey apps with no free trial.
PLATFORM (you may need to collaborate with other librarians to test all platforms) Available and works well on all/most platforms. Available on all/most platforms, but may not work well on all. Not available on all platforms. Especially needs to be available on the most used platforms in your community.
USER INTERFACE The tool is usable and easy to use for everyone (including people who are not as familiar with technology). It also is accessible to people with adaptive devices. The tool may lack is usability accessibility, but it is effective and has a nice layout/design. Or vice versa. Ultimately lacking in usability, pleasing design, and accessibility.
FLEXIBILITY (This might need a new name… like HELPFUL or USEFUL) Basically, Does the app or website make your life easier? It can integrate with other technology and makes technology use simpler and enticing. — Think about all that Google provides and how seamlessly the apps work together A standalone tool that does not work with other apps or technology, but is helpful and makes life a little easier. Purely for fun. OR, even worse, this app is meant to make your life easier and it just creates more confusion. (Like, for me, a lot of the List Apps have too much going on. They make lists complicated!)
SECURITY/PRIVACY Answers yes to 0-1 questions below.
Questions to ask: -does it collect/require personal information?-does it connect to social media or other websites?-does it share information?
Answers yes to 1-2 of the questions. Answer yes to 2-3 questions.
AGE LEVEL The content, style, and other features are age appropriate for the exact age group you cater to. The content, style, and other features are appropriate for teens and children, but not specific to the age group you cater to. The content, style, and other features are not appropriate for your age group.
COMPETITORS/ALTERNATIVES You can associate the app/tool with others. Answer yes to all of the following:

-Are there cross-platform equivalents?

-Can you recommend a similar good game when a patron has mastered one?

-Is there a free alternative?

Answer yes to 1-2. Answer yes to 0-1.



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